+ Affiliates + Wintersea Deep Ice
Sheqel Styles Lounge






Dias80 or Dias ('Di~' as in Did and '~as' as in Ask)
University student majoring in Accounting
25 July

Favourite animes


My 10 favourite titles not listed in any order ~ Neon Genesis Evangelion, Serial Experiments Lain, Love Hina, Samurai Deeper Kyo, .Hack// SIGN, Ai Yori Aoshi, Full Metal Panic, S.cry.ed, Azumanga Daioh, Mahoromatic, and Kanon
Dislikes : Crowds, noisy places, heat, cold weather, inconsiderate drivers, traffic jams, getting wet (other than taking a bath), war, crowded narrow parking bays and soccer.
Graphics program of choice :

Photoshop 7.0

Started walling on : August 2002
Website online date : November 8, 2002
Wallpaper Usage

01 Do not rip any walls from this site. Ripping means taking other people's wallpapers (including the background), erasing their names and putting your own name in it, claiming that you did the wall yourself and then placing it up on your own site. The background of our wallpapers are the fruits of our hard-work. So, be nice. If you want to use any wallpapers from this site, tell me first, give credit where it is due, and link back. I am also aware of certain parties using wallpapers to make WinXP Themes and claiming it to be their own work.
02 All wallpapers are tributes to the animes and games from which the characters are taken from. No profit is earned and neither should you.
03 All anime, manga and game characters seen in this site are the property of their respective owners. I am referring to the artists and illustrators who drew and created the characters and also the production companies that owns the copyrights.
04 Unrestricted use of wallpapers are limited only to affiliates.
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